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Fragment wystawy Janisa Polkasa. Fot. T.Koprowski |
Janis Polkas jest wybitnym muzykiem, a tribal art stał się jego drugą pasją. Gromadzone przez lata eksponaty z terenów Papua New Guinea, Africa, New Zealand, zrobiły na zebranych gościach ogromne wrażenie. Wystawione zbiory można jeszcze podziwiać do 10 czerwca w Konsulacie Polskim (10 Trelawney St, Woollahra). Zapraszamy zatem do odwiedzenia wystawy.
Barbara Kosowska
Wprowadzenia do otwarcia wystawy dokonała Barbara Kosowska. Oto jego fragment:
I would like
briefly introduce Janis Polkas to you. Most of the guests know him as an
extremely talented and well known in Poland and Greece guitar and bouzouki
player. He was born and brought up in Poland and then at the age of 27 Janis
moved to his second homeland – Greece.
He came to
Australia in 1997. Above all, music
is his first and unquestioned love. Does love happen just once in a lifetime?
It appeared that true love can happen more than once. Janis Polkas during a
long time has assembled an extensive and impressive collection of tribal art
from around the world. This collection became his second true love. Today’s
exhibition shows Jani’s Polkas great passion and interest.
I sincerely
admire this unique art which is the reflection of our past. Among all of these
impressive pieces of tribal art you can see a wonderful collection of
traditional, ceremonial masks from Papua New Guinea, Africa, New Zealand. Some
of them had even sparked Pablo Picasso’s interest and influenced his painting.
I hope this
exhibition will be an unforgettable event for all of you.
Fotoreportaż Tomka Koprowskiego:

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