polish internet magazine in australia

NEWS: POLSKA: Pierwsza tura wyborów prezydenckich odbędzie się 18 maja, a ewentualna druga tura – 1 czerwca. PKW zarejestrowała do tej pory siedmiu kandydatów na prezydenta. Są to: Sławomir Mentzen, Grzegorz Braun, Rafał Trzaskowski, Artur Bartoszewicz, Karol Nawrocki, Adrian Zandberg i Szymon Hołownia. * * * AUSTRALIA: Premier Australii, Anthony Albanese, rozpisał wybory parlamentarne na 3 maja, rozpoczynając trwającą pięć tygodni kampanię wyborczą, w której dominować będzie temat rosnących kosztów życia. * * * SWIAT: W piątek wieczorem w Myanmarze doszło do trzęsienia ziemi o magnitudzie 7,8. Wstrząsy były odczuwalne w sąsiednich krajach : Bangladeszu, Indiach, Chinach, Tajlandii i Laosie. W wyniku trzęsienia ziemi w Myanmarze zginęło ponad 1700 osób, 3400 zostało rannych, a 300 osób uznaje się za zaginione.

środa, 23 marca 2011

Recital Grzegorza Kindy

Konsulat Generalny w Sydney zaprasza na Recital Grzegorza Kindy – w piątek 1 kwietnia o godz. 19.30.

Gregory Andrew Kinda was born in Katowice, Poland. In 1983, his family immigrated to Australia. In 1984, at the age of 6, he became the youngest scholar to enter the Sydney Conservatorium of Music in the preparatory department. In 1986 he moved to Papua-New Guinea, and in 1990 he returned to Poland. He studied at the Katowice Secondary Music School and completed university studies at the Academy of Music in Katowice.
In 1999 Gregory completed his Master of Arts degree in an accelerated three years instead of the usual five. Following post-graduate work in Norway and Poland, he returned to Sydney in 2000. From 2001 to 2006 Gregory was a piano lecturer at the Australian International Conservatorium of Music in Harris Park, NSW. In 2003 He additionally completed his Bachelor of Teaching degree at the University of Western Sydney. He also holds a position as a piano teacher at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Conservatorium in Penrith, NSW teaching the advanced students. Gregory has performed in Australia, Poland, Norway, Germany, Russia, France, Czech Republic and Japan. In March 2010 Gregory opened the state celebrations of The Year of Frederic Chopin at the Sydney City Recital Hall, Angel Place, during a concert attended by the Governor of NSW, Professor Marie Bashir .
Gregory Kinda brings a new vital energy to classical piano music. His repertoire ranges from Bach to 20th century composers such as the great Polish composer Grayna Bacewicz.

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